Half-Life 3
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Half-Life 3
Half Life 3 is yet unreleased game type first-person, to be a full continuation legendary game series Half-Life and Half-Life 2 from the company Valve . This page is designed to collect all the information that is on the development and the possible release of the game Half-Life 3 occur. Images are clickable to a higher resolution.

11. 8. 2011
Fans camping grounds in front of Valve
Prior to Valve's offices have settled two unidentified fans, who appealed to the fastest possible release of Half-Life: Episode 3
Two men came to sit on the lawn in front of study with a sign "The release of Half-Life 3 will give Canada a" and "you are condemned Half Life 3 to the Left 4 Dead?".
For both fans came later , which they allegedly bought a battery for lunch and maybe even invited to of study.
Valve on Half-Life 2: Episode 3 or Half-Life 3 officially not want to talk about the future despite a series of wildly speculating for several years.
Nipple: Notice the building in the background photo. That would be the inspiration for the textures apartment buildings in HL2?
Source: http://www.eurogamer.cz/articles/aktiviste-zadaji-valve-o-vydani-half-life-3
Source: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabe_Newell

20. 6. 2011
Leak information
One user created an interesting post on the forum Steam. In it he says that he had access to a biography of former programmer studio Valve, Mike Dussault, who left the company last year after nearly ten years.
A user with the nick ryuuk says: "If we believe CV Dussault, Episode 3 Valve canceled (or at least suspended), while in 2007 decided to withdraw from the model of episodic games, immediately after the second Episodes Dussault was canceled project technical advisor, who developed outside the studio. Then, in the range 2008 - 2010 world and programmed scripts for Half-Life 3, as written in his biography. "
Contribution was almost immediately deleted, which only adds wood to the fire. Usually this happens when the public learns something that does not.
Speculation on externally developed an episode and the third part was formed last month when the attack thanks to the web Deus EXU revealed resume showing work of studio Arkan .
At the vortex of information then reacted Doug Lombardi from Valve and said that everything is total fiction (except for the programmer, of course) and everyone can go back to waiting fierce.
Source: http://www.zing.cz/novinky/5350/half-life-3-potvrzeno-treti-epizoda-zrusena

Pictures of Half Life 3 or fake?

Here are some pictures that are issued as a technology demo of the upcoming game Half-Life third The following figures, however, fall into the realm of forgery. Their authenticity has never been confirmed nor refuted.

Half Life 3

Half-Life 3

Half Life 3

Half-Life 3

Kód ikony Half-Life 3:
<a href="http://linkovnik.wz.cz/half-life 3/"><img src="http://linkovnik.wz.cz/half-life 3/hl3ico.gif" alt="Half-Life 3" title="Half-Life 3" border=0"></a>


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